Gravity [Spoiler]
Nicholas Winter has been dealing with his father Nathaniel Winters estate, the Atlantic Island Park, a haunted amusement park on the Savage Coast, in particular. He’s let you already run two missions for him during which you learned about secret forces binding Nathaniel and now Nicholas to the place. A third party is interested in the park as well and everybody is out to control the power emanating from it.
- Tier 1.
- Nicholas Winter was heartless and calculating and his obsession with the park was for a reason, just like his decision to leave the park to his son. Decipher Nathaniel Winter’s Last Will and Testament and uncover what Nicholas was meant to see.
Hint 1
The will is in the car on the seat next to the deceased driver. Nicholas Winter is the sole heir. However, the quest will not be updated by just reading the will.Hint 2
You need to use the monocle you got as a result from the previous quest “The Carnival of Souls”. There you will learn more about the park and the next step.Hint 3
Go inside the barn on Henderson’s farm and pick up a piece of the plan from the floor. - Tier 2.
- Another party is looking for the plans of the park as well. That’s why they have been divided and hidden. You have to think and see like Nathaniel Winter to decipher them.
Hint 1
Use the monocle on the plans you just found. You’ll see a park map with some white symbols imprinted on them. Follow the symbols and search thoroughly along the path.Hint 2
You’ll find the next part of the map on the outside of the Bumper Cars’ cage just where the white symbol runs through.Hint 3
A bit further along, at the Ferris Wheel, you will find a red lens in the middle of some shards. - Tier 3.
- Continue your search, your deciphering attempts and stay ahead of the other party.
Hint 1
The map you found doesn’t look special at all. But the red lens looks just like your monocle. Insert it into the monocle, using the assembly window (Y). Now look at the plans again: Red Symbols will lead you to the next piece of the plan.Hint 2
It’s affixed to one of the vendor stands.Hint 3
Not far from here, among the stands, are again shards right in front of a vending machine. This time you’ll find a blue lens. - Tier 4.
- Keep going and find more pieces to the plan. Follow the hints given to you by the pieces you found so far.
Hint 1
The map is again a standard map. Lets pop in the blue lens. But you need to remove the red lens first, using the disassemble slot. Now the plans reveal another symbol, which you can follow.Hint 2
At the Roller Coaster you’ll find the next piece on the eastern ramp on the fence. - Tier 5.
- The park is a gigantic Anima Capacitor, designed to accumulate energy and channel it into a subject. Neither Nicholas nor the Phoenicians must be allowed to accomplish this goal.
Hint 1
We’ve run out of lenses for the monocle. There’s only purple light around, annoying us. But red and blue makes purple. Build a monocle with a purple lens.Hint 2
Hint 3
To overload the circuit, you need to click in order on the electronic parts that make up the diagram. Start with the AC voltage source and then work your way around the drawing counter clockwise (Resistor, Diode, Inductor). A cut scene will show the Phoenicians moving in and getting killed by a purple energy storm, which brings the park finally into a more peaceful state.
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