Weekly Zombie Survival Tip

Zombie ApocalypseWith the recent posting of my home for sale, I wanted to give a few tips for those who own and don’t own homes during a zombie outbreak.

It’s always best to at least know where the “weak points” are in a home. This includes (but is not limited to) low or first floor windows, doors and walkways. You have 2 options here:

1) Know where to get (or have handy) a supply of 2x4s and long strong nails to board up the windows and doors. Remember lots of hammering means lots of noise, it’s suggested to use hard-rubber mallets over iron hammers and have a few partners (or family members) handy to make it happen as quick as possible.

2) Alternatively if you live in a two story home, just take out the stairs with axes. It’s faster , you’ll only have 1 point of entry to worry about and the noise is more easily concealed. Just make sure to prepare for not having a down stairs PRIOR to taking them out.

If you are an apartment dweller you have more “people” to worry about, but the great advantage of having a 2nd+ floor full house option, thus limiting your entrances to the stairwells and elevators, which area easier to block and guard from zombie pests. When searching for a new apartment home, remember, NEVER the first floor. Cheers!

One Comment

  1. Thanks for the tips! I feel safer already. 😀

    What is your opinion on fire escapes?
    Killington recently posted..How Killington Came To BeMy Profile

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